
Ruja is a fungus farmer in her community of gilded treehoppers. Roaming the broadleaf forests on the northside of the Balkan, she is a species few have seen, yet many have heard of. Elusive by nature, they have an important role in connecting the different trophic levels of the forest.

Ruja helps all the mycosymbionts, spreading spores and fungal hyphae into the trees and soil as she strolls around the forest. The fungi she carries changes with the seasons, varying from psychedelic to poisonous to edible, each with their own purpose and ritual. They stay camouflaged all year by moulting into different coulors and imitating their environment. It is not yet clear which parts of their appearance is somatic and which parts are collected from their surroundings, as no specimen has ever been caught.

They have been sighted at night in secluded areas, dancing in the tops of certain trees, ponds or river sides. The mythical ‘Iele’ in the romanian mythology are believed to have their origins in glimpses of the gilded treehoppers. The Iele are said to have great seductice power over men, which is somewhat noticeable in this species’ community. The males are small and often go unnoticed, scurrying around the feet of the females, twirling and screaming for attention.

They do have an interest in shiny objects, like gems, metallic objects or goldflakes from the mountain streams. These are used to adorn themselves in a manner similar to jewelry. Ruja carries a staff, as each individual makes her own relic, presenting her favourite treasure.



